Some suggestions for History
Would like to be able to parse the contract/address names, types of wallet interactions, support filtering transaction history types, and be able to view the interaction history of a particular contract individually.
I would like to be able to view the defi data in the wallet, defi historical gains/losses, etc.
Jinying Gu
Hi all, Mest Beta is NOW live 🎉
And we have optimized the Token History, you'll love this brand-new version
- Support .eth / .bit, and some alias, such as Justin Sun
- Support filtering by Date / Token / Counterparty, of course, Action & Value filtering is also on the way
- Better and clearer UI
Try it now, if you have other questions about Mest Beta, feel free to leave a comment!
Najmeh Askari
How i can merge in
Simon Liu
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Support U-standard value and token-standard value in history form
Raphael Lin
In the history form, I would like to see the U-standard value and token-standard value of each transaction at that time (allow use to choose the token of token-standard).
Simon Liu
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Support token filter in history
Raphael Lin
Suggest support token filter in history form, so that user can easy to see the transaction which related to that token and easy to review, calculate, and summarize the investment history of this token.
Simon Liu
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emphasize the repeated wallet
When the user check the history of the wallet, If the destination wallet overlaps within the same page, it would be better for the user to leave a * (asterisk) or footnote in front of the wallet address.
Simon Liu
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It's uncomfortable because there's no scroll.
Jeonghun Oh
There is no scroll, so we have to see the data covered by the drag. You should add horizontal scroll or reduce the font size to allow information to enter one screen.
Simon Liu
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Great features, but still a bit lacking
Most bought token and most used dapp are features that are hard to find on other wallet analysis sites (debank). Very good.
However, it is a little disappointing that only famous DEGEN information is still available in the test version. If it is possible to analyze my wallet, I think it will be a little easier to give feedback.
In addition, in the history section, instead of showing the txid in order, it would be more visible if it was shown in a diagram format based on the deposit and withdrawal history of the wallet.
Simon Liu
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make a list to search a wallet.
make a list of the most searched wallet for a day, a week, a month. or a wallet owns the most assets, or the wallet which used the most gas fee kind of things.
Simon Liu
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Better history
I use Brave Browser, the history display is not fully displayed. Even though I'm using wide screen and no side scroll, to see the blurry display I have to press the narrow key on the keyboard. Sorting should have been added.
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